
We are engaged with key partners to improve healthcare through development of novel solutions and appreciate support from FP7 an H2020 framework programmes of EU.
We have realized that innovation requires us to improve our skills, have good partners and joint efforts. Protobios is active in networking, sharing its knowledge and know-how during exchange and collaboration projects and in return receiving valuable inputs from its partners.

European Commission Funded Projects

Estonian Connected Health Cluster
Connected Health is a country-wide partnership between health-related stakeholders in Estonia, who are committed to accelerating the adoption of connected health solutions, on an international scale and on commercial terms.
The cluster brings together 70+ partners, including 43 companies (start-ups, health IT, medtech, biotech, and pharma), R&D partners (universities and technology competence centres), health and wellness service providers (hospitals, GPs, occupational health, spas, fitness and sports), patient organizations and user communities, and public sector (ministries responsible for healthcare and entrepreneurship, national health insurance, and the national health development agency).
The cluster is part of the European Connected Health Alliance and ScanBalt network.
ELIKO Competence Centre
Eliko offers a range of embedded sensing and communication technologies fit for the future Internet of Things (IoT) environment. As one of the main sources of competence for the Estonian ICT and electronics industry, Eliko has been developing Estonian ICT capabilities, digital standards and public services for over 10 years already.
Eliko Competence Centre program has overall 19 partner companies in Estonia with specific needs in product development. Our partners are relatively large software companies like Cybernetica as well as ambitious start‐ups like Threod Systems. Moreover, two major hospitals in Tallinn help Eliko develop our healthcare related applications.
EU760921 (1.01.2018−31.12.2021)
PANBioRa stands for “Personalized and Generalized Integrated Biomaterial Risk Assessment” and is a RIA action funded H2020-NMBP-2017 project. PANBioRA aims at providing a comprehensive solution for the time- and cost-effective risk assessment of i) new biomaterials under health or disease states or ii) a given biomaterial for each patient in a personalized manner. It will standardize the evaluation of biomaterials and open the venue for pre-implantation, personalized diagnostics for biomaterial-based applications. PB’s task is to develop immunologic detection systems for analysis of biomaterials.
EU612308 (2014-2019)
AIROPico stands for Academic Industry R&D Opportunities for Picornaviruses (FP7-PEOPLE). This research project has generated better understanding on commonly encountered infections of human picornaviruses. Protobios provided an industrial training suit for post-doctoral interdisciplinary education and training to university scientists. As a collaborative effort, of picornavirus biology, diagnostics and therapy development Protobios defined novel, functionally relevant epitopes of human parechoviruses.
The EU has awarded a 7 million EUR funding to a HUS Helsinki University Hospital-led consortium to examine the mechanisms behind the long-term effects of a COVID-19 infection. The objective is also to create a Decision support system for prediction and management of Long Covid Syndrome (LCS). The number of patients suffering from long-term effects of a COVID-19 infection are growing worldwide. It is therefore important to identify and understand the mechanisms behind the continuing symptoms and to use this improved understanding to provide adequate treatment to patients. This is what the HUS-led Long Covid-project aims to do. The research evidence created during the project will be simultaneously used to develop and improve care of Long Covid patients.
EU675746 (2015- 2019)
The ‘PROFILE’ Innovative Training Network (European Industrial Doctorates program (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015) aims at stratifying acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) patients by understanding disease pathology, using new types of biomarkers and predicting their risk for relapse. Here, Protobios together with Catholic University of Leuven, initiated a pilot study of a serious autoimmune disease Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) in order to define novel antigens as new prognostic biomarkers and potential drug target candidates.
BM1406 (2014-2019)
Ion Channels and Immune Response toward a global understanding of immune cell physiology and for new therapeutic approaches (IONCHAN-IMMUNRESPON)
The function of ion channels in immune cells is an emerging field of great basic science and clinical interest because they provide powerful molecular targets to modulate immune cell function. The Ionchan-Immunrespon network is a novel and exciting enterprise that involves internationally recognized scientists across 15 European countries. The specific aims are i) to develop a strong European workforce to understand the role of ion channels in immune cells, and how deregulation of their function can cause disease, ii) to identify new targets for therapeutic immuno-interventions through modulation of ion channels.
EU734791 (2017-2020)
SZ-TEST is an international collaboration project between Academia and Industry supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)program. Protobios is the coordinator partnering with University of Tartu, and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, University of Helsinki, Finland, Linköping University, Sweden, Kings’ College London, UK and industrial partners: Elvesys, France, and Quretec, Estonia, to unravel mechanisms and biomarkers of early psychosis.
EUJapan: Vulcanus in Europe
VE17 (2017-2018)
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is a unique venture between the European Commission and the Japanese Government. It is a non-profit organization established as an affiliate of the Institute of International Studies and Training (IIST). It aims at promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan and at improving EU and Japanese companies’ competitiveness and cooperation by facilitating exchanges of experience and know-how between EU and Japanese businesses. The trainee VE17 was introduced to methods of validation of immunoprofile biomarkers.
An European Project aiming to Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tools. The project general objective is to identify key biomarkers that support the decision-making process of the healthcare providers. The project focuses on the microbiota – brain -axis which plays a major role in mental health and in particular Major depression disorder. Through clinical investigations, the consortium partners will study the combination between genetics, epigenetics, microbiome and inflammatory networks.